The demand for copywriters and content writers is more than ever before considering tonnes of content gets published on the internet every day. According to WordPress, 70 million new posts are done each month. Recently, you may have also noticed Google My Business posts getting rejected due to content and other related issues. The number itself explains the importance of content producers in times of today and tomorrow.
Each style or genre of writing has its set of parameters. The end goal which you wish to achieve with your marketing campaign is based on whether you should employ either a copywriter or a content writer.
Often people get confused with copywriting vs content writing and they use the term in a way as if they are synonyms but that’s not the case. There are key differences between these two concepts.
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A copywriter sells & content writer educates
A copywriter generally writes very specifically copy primarily to persuade and target potential customers. On the other hand, the job of a content writer is to educate, entertain & engage.
You may understand that a copywriter fulfils the objective of helping customers to commit and buy whereas a content writer can do the job of helping the potential buyers to learn, get educated and make them close to the buying process.
The importance of quality content writers in the SEO industry is critical to producing regular and high-quality blogs and other content to bring visitors to the website. SEO copywriting checklist is a great place for copywriters to learn simple and easy to understand guides.
When it comes to writing product and services content with very fine details then you need an expert copywriter to get the job done more professionally and accurately.
Copywriting is product-oriented and content writer builds brand loyalty
Copywriting focuses on direct conversion. The copywriter frames the language in such a way that it persuades the consumer to take action whereas a content writer is not worried about that.
A content writer focuses on building a long term relationship with the audience where they think the audience would interact with them time and again and at some point in the future, make a purchase or take some sort of positive action like or follow the company’s social media, read and comment on the post.
The little vs lot content
A copywriter produces content in a very specific manner purely to explain and sell products and services. The content length is generally short.
Content writers on the other hand focus on producing in-depth engaging and educational content which eventually make the visitors ready to take the prime objective of buying. The length of the content is generally high in the word count. The competitive nature of SEO has made the job of content writer extra hard and everyone is trying to produce better content than their competition.
SEO copywriting vs content writing
SEO stands for search engine optimisation. The primary job of an SEO copywriter is to write product or service descriptions, features, inclusions, exclusions etc.
The job of an SEO content writer is to build compelling and engaging and trending content which users will love and engage. The content helps users to know about the product and service indirectly by getting the basic education first.
Let’s say a company has manufactured wireless noise cancellation headphones.
The job of a copywriter could be to write a specific description of the product, its features, warranty, warning etc.
On the other hand, the job of a content writer could be to produce relevant blogs talking about how awesome is noise cancellation headphone, things you could do even in a noisy atmosphere like watching a movie in a plane.
The job description of copywriter vs content writer
A copywriter is a person who professionally qualifies to produce copies. He writes marketing material for a living. That is exactly their core craftsmanship and skillset but a content writer need not necessarily be a professional writer and the only requirement is producing content. Anyone today with decent writing skills can be a content writer.
A content writer would need more SEO understanding as their job is the drive traffic by building engaging content.
Conversion vs prospects building
The Copywriters build a sense of urgency and scarcity into a headline so as to elicit fast action. Content writers on the other hand try to build the words in such a way that the readers are convinced that it is a reliable source of information and form the basis of future sales.
A content writer has the rhythm to use the magic of words in such a way that they can tell about the brand without even naming it in their posts. It helps prospects to take some immediate action, that’s when copywriters step in for their role play and emotional storytelling.
Performance measurement metrics
Different metrics can be used to assess the success of a copywriter vs content writer.
For an eCommerce website, the performance metrics of a copywriter could be the buying rate after visiting the product page and also making sure users find the necessary info by minimising the enquiries.
On the other hand, the matrics for a content writer that can be used is the bounce rate, time on the page, engagement, like & share.
Formats of copywriting vs content writing
Copywriting examples: Sales letters, PPC landing pages content, Google ads copy, website product pages, print ads, brochures, product descriptions, Facebook ads, billboard ads, sales pages, product collection pages
Content Writing examples: ebooks, blog writing, EDMs
Therefore, both copywriters and content writers are needed to play their individual special role in driving any business forward because great content writers might not be good copywriters and vice-versa.
Visit copywriting rates Australia page to learn more about the cost you need to pay to get quality content.