How to increase Google Ads Conversions?

Increasing leads or sales may be your main goal when investing in Google Ads.

There is no single magic that you can apply to boost Google Ads conversion to get more leads and sales.

How to increase Google Ads conversions

To increase Google Ads conversion rate, a number of factors must be taken into account. These factors include creating high-quality campaigns, making sure that the campaign optimisation score is high, having higher ad strengths, creating catchy headlines, choosing the right keywords, and creating an incredible landing page experience.

In this post, you will learn in detail about actions that you could take to boost your Google Ads performance.

Table of contents

  1. Right keywords selection
  2. Keywords match type
  3. High-performing bidding selection
  4. Create Compelling Ads
  5. Competition ad copy assessment & modification
  6. Build a wow landing page experience
  7. Aim to rank higher in Google Ads Position
  8. Maintain campaign health
  9. Build lead or sales funnel
  10. Build a process to scale & think beyond Google Ads

Right keywords selection

Right keyword selection is the foundation of running quality campaigns and improving Google Ads conversions and performance.

Choosing the right keywords is essential for increasing Google Ads conversions.

Things to consider while choosing the right keywords

  • Avoid Generic Keywords: Generic keywords often drain the budget. Use them with caution and regularly assess their performance to ensure they deliver results as intended.
  • Use Google Keywords Planner: This is one of the best tools to find the right keywords for your business, check for the average CPC cost and make a list of the right keywords for your business.
  • Think Like a User: It’s simple yet effective, think like a user while selecting the keywords. Consider the phrases they might use when searching for your products or services.
  • Local Business: If your target audience is local then don’t forget to add location-based keywords. These keywords help attract customers who are specifically looking for local services that can increase the relevance and effectiveness of your ads.
  • Long-Tail Keywords: Consider utilising long-tail keywords as they often have less competition and you can win conversions at a relatively lower cost.
  • Negative keywords: Even with the best of AI and automation with ads, still don’t forget to add negative keywords.

Repeat, right keyword selection is vital for Google Ads performance.

Keywords match type

It is basically how Google will match your keywords with the search phrases entered by users while searching online.

The right keyword match type is critical when you advertise on Google Ads.

There are 3 main match types available in Google Ads:

  • Broad Match: As the name suggests, this match type will reach a wide audience by matching search queries including misspellings, synonyms or related searches.
  • Phrase Match: This will match queries for the exact or close variation.
  • Exact Match: This will only display your ads if the user types the exact keywords as you have specified in Google Ads.

Use broad match with Automated bidding

Generally speaking, you can get the best return from Google Ads using broad match if you are using automated bidding strategies like Target CPA or Target ROAS.

Automated bidding uses AI/machine learning to optimise bids in real time, ensuring your ads reach the most relevant audience while maximising conversions.

Use exact or phrase match with Manual bidding

When using manual bidding, consider exact or phrase match types to maintain better control over your budget and ensure your reach doesn’t go broad with searches.

This approach minimises wasted spend and focuses on high-intent keywords that are more likely to convert.

Combine match types for a balanced strategy

Utilise a combination of broad, phrase, and exact match types to create a comprehensive keyword strategy.

The quality score of keywords will also be rated based on individual keywords with the match type set.

Negative keywords – Do not forget

As noted above, implementing negative keywords is essential to prevent your ads from showing up for irrelevant searches.

By excluding certain keywords, you can improve the relevance of your ads, reduce wasted spend, and increase your conversion rate.

High-performing bidding selection

The right bidding selection is key to Google Ads performance, this is crucial either when you have a limited budget or even when you are aiming to scale.

Here are some popular building strategies that you can consider:

  • Maximise Clicks: The Maximise Clicks strategy is ideal to get as many clicks as possible within your budget. Google Ads automatically sets your bids to maximise the number of clicks your ads receive.
  • Maximise Conversions: This Google Ads bidding strategy is tailored for advertisers whose primary goal is to increase conversions.
  • Maximise Conversions Value: The  Maximise Conversions value strategy in Google Ads is tailored for advertisers looking to optimise their campaigns based on the total value of conversions rather than just the quantity.
  • Manual CPC: Manual CPC is a bidding strategy that provides advertisers with much greater control to set specific bids for specific keywords or ad groups.

Generally speaking, if you are limited by budget then you may consider the manual bidding option to boost Google Ads conversions.

On the other hand, if you have a healthy budget or looking to scale then you can consider maximising conversions or maximise conversions value for eCommerce stores.

Learn more about choosing the right bidding to boost Google Ads performance.

How did we save 20% CPC cost for a client?

One of our clients had multiple Google Ads campaigns running in the past, as part of the optimisation process after taking over we noticed that the brand campaign was turning well but the CPC cost was much higher.

With a strategic move, we applied changes to the bidding strategy of the branding campaign and saved nearly 80% of the cost by getting similar clicks and conversions.

We allocated the saved budget towards building new campaigns.

Create Compelling Ads

This is what your potential customer or target audience sees when they click on your ad.

The art of writing compelling ad copy

Writing quality ad copy is an art. Your ad copy should be clear, concise, and engaging.

You should pay attention to the headlines in particular, make sure you do not repeat same and write each headline with a call to action where applicable like 15% OFF, Download Free PDF etc.

Do not forget to include your unique selling propositions (USPs).

Learn more about writing the best Google Ads headlines.

Ad Strength

Google Ads provides an “Ad Strength” indicator, which measures the effectiveness of your ad based on factors like relevance, clarity, and the number of unique headlines, descriptions etc and provides you with a score.

Ad Strength in Google Ads

A high Ad Strength score can lead to better ad performance and higher conversion rates.

Learn more about boosting Google Ad strengths to boost conversions.

Competition ad copy assessment & modification

Your Google Ads optimisation effort is incomplete without proper competition assessment and making sure that your offer is equally good or better including a call to action.

Here are things you can consider while assessing your competition ads copy:

  • Their Offers: Check out their current offers that are available as this may be the main point as to customers going to your competition instead of selecting you.
  • Urgency Message: Ad text with urgency tends to get more clicks boosting the click-through rate (CTR) and conversion. Example: EOFY Deal, Ending Soon.
  • Peace Of Mind: Giving users confidence that if they are not happy then can get their money back is a great way to give them the confidence to buy. Example: Free Return or 7 Days Money Back Guarantee.
  • Hook Vs Real Offer: Some businesses tend to crate hook to gain customers, stay away from fake offers, and make sure to offer a proper deal with clear terms and conditions instead of misleading them.
  • Online Reputation & Social Proof: Online reputation management should be part of every business, you may have the best product or service but if you don’t have good reviews and reputation then you may lose customers.

You should have a very targeted approach to address each point to make your ad copy similar or better to grab users’ attention and boost Google Ads conversions.

Build a wow landing page experience

Mostly conversion happens on your website. Whether you need leads or sales, a quality landing page is a must to boost Google Ads conversions.

You can bring highly targeted and relevant traffic but if your landing page experience will be poor then it will directly after your conversion rage.

Landing page design experience consideration:

  • A seamless ad to landing page experience
  • Visually appealing design
  • Mobile-first design
  • Compelling headlines
  • A strong call to action
  • Trust & social signals
  • Fast loading page

Learn more about the importance of quality landing pages in Google Ads and if you need quality landing design service then speak to webapex team today!

Aim to rank higher in Google Ads Position

Ads that rank higher have a much higher click-through rate and conversions.

When you are working to increase Google Ads leads and sales then this should be one of the items in your list.

While higher CPC cost impacts to boost the ad position it is beyond just the cost per click.

With strategic planning and implementation, you can let the system learn about your keywords, ad text and headlines to assign the quality score. The better the quality score the less you may pay to obtain a higher position in Google Ads.

There are many factors you can consider to boost ad position and conversion, visit our detailed guide on how to rank higher in Google Ads and pay less.

Maintain campaign health

Google Ads is never about set and forget. Regular monitoring and changes are required to ensure the campaign’s health is good and performing as intended.

Consistently maintaining your campaign’s health is critical to maximising conversions and achieving your marketing goals.

Campaign optimisation score

Your campaign optimisation score provides an indication of how well your campaign is set up.

This score is calculated based on various factors, including ad relevance, landing page experience, and expected click-through rate.

Google Ads Campaign Optimisation Score

While this is not the defining factor, it is very important to take necessary actions to improve the campaign optimisation score.

Google Ads recommendations sections for campaigns to take necessary actions to improve the optimisation score.

These recommendations can range from adding new keywords, adjusting bids, optimising ad copy, and more.

It is strongly recommended to visit the recommendations sections regularly and see any changes you can make to boost the score and overall relevancy to improve Google Ads conversion rate.

Build lead or sales funnel

Google Ads is mostly search-driven, but with the rise of Performance Max campaigns and the introduction of Demand Gen campaigns, it is now possible to build a successful lead or sales funnel using Google Ads.

Creating a structured funnel helps guide potential customers from the awareness stage to the conversion stage, increasing the likelihood of achieving your marketing goals. Here’s how to effectively build a lead or sales funnel with Google Ads to achieve better conversions using Google Ads.

Awareness (Cold Campaign) – Top of the funnel

At the top of the funnel, your primary goal is to create awareness about your brand, products, or services.

Consider using Display, Demand Gen and video ads on YouTube and banner ads to maximise visibility.

Warm Campaign – Middle of the funnel

In the middle of the funnel, your goal is to nurture the interest generated in the awareness stage and guide potential customers towards considering your offerings.

This stage involves targeting users who have already interacted with your brand, such as those who visited your website or engaged with your previous ads.

Google Search campaign along with the Performance Max campaign can be used to target customers in the middle of the funnel.

Hot Campaign – Bottom of the Funnel

At the bottom of the funnel, your primary objective is to drive conversions.

This stage targets users who are ready to make a purchase or take a significant action. Your ads should focus on clear, compelling offers and strong CTAs to encourage immediate action.

Here PMAX campaign with a Search campaign like Maximise Convers is more suited where AI/Machine Learning can do a great job in achieving better conversions.

Build a process to scale & think beyond Google Ads

Achieving some degree of success with Google Ads is commendable, but building to scale requires a strategic approach and continuous effort.

Scaling your Google Ads campaigns effectively can lead to greater visibility, more conversions, and higher ROI. Here are some steps you can take to scale your Google Ads campaigns.

Data-driven decision making

To scale successfully, you must rely on data to inform your decisions. Regularly analyse performance metrics such as CTR, conversion rate, CPA, and ROAS.

Identify top-performing keywords, ad groups, and campaigns, and allocate more budget to these areas while optimising or pausing underperforming ones.

Expand keyword lists

Conduct a thought keywords research and increase the range of keywords if you are willing to scale.

A broad range of keywords will allow you to use your additional budget while placing ads to your prospects who may be ready to buy or enquire.

Leverage automation and smart bidding

Take advantage of Google’s automation features, such as bidding strategies like Target CPA, Target ROAS, and Maximise Conversions to automatically adjust bids based on real-time data and machine learning algorithms.

Automation can help you scale more efficiently by optimising bids and budgets across large campaigns.

Use remarketing campaigns

Use the Performance Max campaign as this is one of the most effective campaigns that can display ads to new users as well as past visitors to boost engagement and conversions.

You can also use Display ads with re-marketing features but PMAX is by far the best-performing campaign type with re-targeting.

Explore new ad formats and placements

Experiment with different ad formats such as video ads, responsive display ads, and discovery ads.

Test various placements, including YouTube, Google Display Network, and Gmail ads, to find the most effective channels for your target audience.

Think beyond Google Ads

Lastly, don’t just get stuck with only one marketing challenge, be open to exploring other channels like SEO, Facebook Ads or Microsoft Advertising.

Get help from experts

We are a Google Ads expert based in Melbourne and we help clients to boost their conversion rate by implementing strategies tailored to their needs.

We provide high-quality PPC services at an affordable rate, visit our PPC packages to learn more about the pricing.

Checkout our other location Google Ads services:

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