How to write best Google Ads headlines? [Boost Clicks & Sales]

Writing compelling Google Ads headlines that resonate with your website target audience is one of the best ways to boost their interest in your offerings and it may increase your click-through rate (CTR), conversion and revenue.

Google Ads Headlines

There are several things you need to consider while writing the perfect headlines for your business.

Quality headline writing also helps to boost Google Ads campaign optimisation score. When you navigate to the recommendation of the campaign, you will regularly notice to optimise headlines.

In this blog, I have explained in detail some key considerations that you can consider while writing Google Ads headlines for a high return on investment.

Table of contents:

  1. Craft your ads with customers’ needs
  2. Include your keywords
  3. Include your main offers
  4. Use Dynamic {KeyWord: Insertion}
  5. Add value without commitment
  6. Include numbers or statistics
  7. Include social proof
  8. Competition & market research
  9. Test & repeat the above steps

Craft your ads with customers’ needs

Crafting Google Ads Headlines that resonate with your potential buyer starts with understanding the needs of your prospects.

If you fail to address customers’ needs and pain points then it is almost certain that your ads may not perform well.

You may have the best products or services but if your ad copy doesn’t connect well to users and address their desired objectives then most likely you will struggle to achieve the intended outcome.

Don’t forget to enter the correct URL of the landing page (best just copy and paste), an incorrect link can lead to the ad disapproval destination not working.

Google Ads
Google Ads

The process

Here are some steps you can take to understand your customers’ needs:

  1. Market research: Start the process by doing a competition and market research, check your competitor ads on Google search, and make notes of their wordings, offers etc. You will gain some insights about your visitor’s demographics, interests and behaviours.
  2. Social media interactions: You may like to join some social media groups where people share their thoughts and you can also get some valuable information from there.

Once you have clarity about the customer’s needs, pain points and challenges then you will be more equipped to address their needs by tailoring your offers.

Now, you can use all your learnings and your offer to compile Google Ads headlines to be more bold, competitive. Use simple language that your customer can understand.

Creating compelling headlines is the foundation to get a higher conversion rate & sales from Google Ads.

Include your keywords

Your Google Ads headlines are incomplete without inclusions of your keywords. It makes the ad more relevant and satisfies users’ intent when they see keywords in the Ad headlines.

It is important to note that including unique words from your keywords list in the ad will also improve the ad strength in Google Ads. By maintaining higher ad strengths you can expect your ad to perform better for your selected keywords range.

Generic Keyword List
Keyword List

Here are some tips for including keywords in Google Ads headlines:

  • Enter your main keywords as they are. In most cases, the main keywords perform the best.
  • For secondary keywords, just pick the unique words and fit them in the headlines where you feel appropriate.
  • Avoid keyword stuffing, repeating similar keywords will not help either with the ad optimisation score or the performance.

Note that your keywords, headlines and landing page should have similar keywords and themes for Google Ads to calculate the quality score which is one of the optimisation factors.

Include your main offers

In the current competitive age, it’s not easy to sell without an appropriate offer or key unique points about your product and service. If you have some offers to share with your target audience then you should consider including them in your Google Ads headlines.

A deal or offer makes the ad text read more compelling which has a much higher chance of getting more clicks and engagement.

This can make your ads more valuable to your target audience in comparison to your competitor’s ad and it can be a step towards success.

The offer can be in the form of a discount, free trial, PDF guide download. Clearly including your offer with an expiry timeframe like “Boxing Day Sale – 20% Off” can create a sense of urgency and encourage users to take the desired action.

Make the reduction process as easy as ABC so that you have a higher conversion rate. If your headlines offer and landing page experience don’t sync in line then your conversion will drop.

Use Dynamic {KeyWord: Insertion}

One of the other ways to make your ads headlines more compelling is by using Dynamic Keywords Insertion (DKI) into your headlines to personalise your ads and make them more relevant to individual users’ search queries.

Google Ads Headlines

By including Dynamic Keywords Insertion, you can make your ads more tailored to address the search intent.

Example: You may have a carpet cleaning business in Melbourne and you might be offering services to 200 suburbs in Melbourne. Now, when you create an ad, it will be difficult to include them all but you can achieve to personalise ad headlines based on the location keywords provided by using the DKI feature.

The more targeted ad will appear in Google searches the more changes it will have to get more clicks and conversions.

Add value without commitment

When you offer value without significant commitment then you will notice your conversion will increase significantly.

Example: Free trial of online software. If you offer a free trial but if you force them to enter credit card details then you may have a higher click-through rate (CTR) but the actual conversion will be lower.

A quality product or service attached with some value upfront included in the headlines captures users’ attention.

Here are some common examples of adding value without commitment in the headline:

  • Healthy Eating Cook Book – Free PDF Download
  • Get A Free Sample Delivered To Your Door Step
  • Buy Now, Free Return – No Questions Asked
  • One Month Free Trial – Watch Your Favourite Movies & Sports
  • Email Signup – Exclusive Quarterly Offers Only

No one likes to go through a complex refund, return or cancel subscription process if they don’t like your product or service.

Google Ads headlines with smooth user experience from the first impression of reading the ads and clicking on it and then opting for the service or buying products with a feeling of ease not only make them do business with you but you can expect them to return and boost the trust.

Include numbers or statistics

Numbers don’t lie. If you have winning data to share with your target audience then it can create a very positive impact on your potential customers.

Example: 98% Visa Success Rate. The headline with this kind of data is way more compelling than a flat headline like Book A Free Consultation.

If your business has done outstanding work to achieve unique success against your competition then including that success is a good strategy in the Google Ads text to showcase your credibility.

You should have a clear distinction between facts and opinion when you share data & statistics. Avoid data manipulation to appear good, share the row facts, it will connect with the intended target audience in a very natural way.

Include social proof

The human thought process is highly influenced by social proofs.

Example: When you plan to buy something online that you never used before then you may seek validation from other people in terms of reviews, ratings & real user experience.

If your business has good data to share about social signals then consider including them in your Google Ads copy, it will make a powerful impact on the first impression.

Social proofs can be in the form of:

  • Reviews
  • Testimonials
  • Endorsements

Share true experience, do not remove criticism and only show good parts. If you have a rate negative experience then they should be on the website or landing page and ads should reflect the same.

Competition & market research

Don’t think that you only can create amazing stuff, your competition can be equally good or better so always do competitive research and lean through the process.

Conducting thorough competition and market research is essential for crafting compelling Google Ads headlines that stand out in a crowded digital landscape. By analysing your competitors’ ad campaigns and messaging strategies, you can gain valuable insights into what resonates with your target audience and identify areas where you can differentiate your ads.

Any learning, you can include in the Google Ads headline to make your ads appear as compelling as your competition or better.

Competitive research allows you to understand the strategies and tactics that your competitors are using to attract and engage potential customers. By studying their ad copy, headlines, and offers, you can identify key themes, messaging techniques, and value propositions that are effective in your industry.

Moreover, competitive research provides an opportunity to identify gaps or opportunities in the market that your business can capitalise on. By identifying areas where competitors may be underperforming or overlooking, you can tailor your ad headlines to address unmet needs or pain points within your target audience.

Test & repeat the above steps

There is no such thing as creating perfect ad headlines in one go.

Creating quality Google Ads headlines is a very creative job and by repeating the above outlined steps you can refine your ads to read and perform better.

By testing different variations of headlines with different offers you can come up with the best set of ads that may perform the best.

Google Ads is not about set and forget, while it is easy to settle with the first headlines that come to your mind it is important to recognise that crafting compelling ads often requires variation iteration and following the same process again and again.

Need help with Google Ads optimisation?

You have come to the right place. We are a Google Ads Melbourne-based agency, we design and build top-of-the-line ads campaigns with ROI.

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