Good SEO vs Bad SEO

Learn about Good SEO practice vs Bad SEO

Learn about Good SEO practice vs Bad SEO

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Why Choose Good SEO vs Bad or Poor SEO?

Business owners generally do not understand the concept of Good and Bad SEO which is essential for a successful online marketing campaign.

If you are planning for SEO then you must do a proper investment and clarity in mind. SEO is not for the short-term and poor planning is not the answer in this competitive environment.

Seeking poor or cheap SEO means putting your business in trouble. Work with a digital trusted advisor.

Good SEO vs Bad SEO Infographic

Cheap SEO vs Quality SEO

In the marketing industry, too much scepticism and doubts are stringed with SEO. This is because search engines do not reveal their algorithm secrets but they do have the best practice guide, considering things are not 100% clear it causes some level of confusion.

An SEO that is cheap and targeted to drive instant results is sure to harm the website ranking. Google and other search engines are witty and they very easily identify the gradual efforts and service that target instant results. This is why they nullify all the efforts made by cheap SEO practice and value only quality implementation. Cheap organic optimisation can harm your website in no time. You may experience a sudden google ranking drop if you continue to practice low-quality SEO implementation.

eCommerce SEO is even more challenging and the best way to achieve quality ranking is by following the best practice and implementing the eCommerce SEO checklist

Businesses should have detailed knowledge of what is the basic difference between cheap and quality search engine optimisation to identify the best SEO company for their business progress. Quality service can only be provided with a team of professional experts who keep their knowledge updated and understand the changing algorithms employed by various search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing etc. For an effective result, it is very necessary to keep a record of data on how the SEO strategies are working and for this use of data analytics tools is essential. Having an insight into SEO techniques and detailed knowledge of business operations within and outside the office arena is essential. Quality implementation focuses more on how users interact with the searches they made, the content they read, the video they watch and more. In a whole prominent SEO is all about understanding various components of business operations, business goals, customers choice, building links naturally and move gradually.

Cheap SEO directly dreams to hit the target without having any knowledge about consumers and business operations. It only focuses on building links with a rapid speed that is against the best practice policy. These are the signs of the Black Hat approach that is done just to harm the website rather than helping it to achieve a good ranking. Speeding link building are made without checking the domain quality and also there are SEO providers who buy links and this is where the cheap SEO differentiates from Quality SEO.

Digital services are well priced as it requires high-level planning, learn more about average SEO price in Australia to have some level of understanding and the expectation. 

Long Term SEO vs Cutting Corners

SEO is a long term strategy that returns in a great ranking. SEO never meant to instant or fast marketing strategy. If you or your agency cutting corners to achieve ranking then mostly it will not happen.

Long term SEO means having the vision to plan for the future. Analysing competition and building something which might be more valuable than your competition. Heavily focused on solving problems with good quality content. While there is no limit to SEO creativity and you can continuously work hard to achieve more but it is important to be happy with what you have got and not crossing the limit of SEO boundaries.

Let's face it SEO is hard and it can test your limit if you may be in a competitive niche and it can be frustrating not to get adequate ranking.

Regardless of the situation, taking short cuts in SEO will never give you the desired result these days. Poor link building practice is inviting for problems. It will be hard to rank with think content in general.

If you cut corners means it will look spammy and black hat and hence it will be hard to get ranking and there will be a high possibility of getting penalised by google.

If you are in a situation where you may need a fast online presence and in that case, Google Ads may be the right answer for you.

Sustainable SEO vs Quick Jump and Fall

Sustainable SEO is the key to generate long term customers and improve revenues. SEO is done to expect results after some time when your website is balanced with great content, the right approach of on-site and off-site SEO planning with the potential to rank for a long period. If SEO is done well then this can be one of the best digital marketing strategy and return can be outstanding.

On the other hand, if SEO is done to acquire a fast ranking means it will be an invitation to fall even if you may get a quick ranking.

Any website that lacks the basic White Hat SEO practice and functional website development patterns will stand nowhere in the tough competitive market. To win the changing marketing technique following a gradual plan is the secret else the chances of getting penalised for bulk link building and another process will completely ruin the website.

Low-Cost SEO vs Well Priced Campaign

By now you are well aware that SEO is not something that is done in a few days. For any website to rank well on Google largely depends on various factors like competition in the market, business goals, planning, execution and more. Digital marketing is a very time consuming and intense process and hence low-cost SEO may not justify the effort which will be required to optimise the website.

Low-cost service means ineffective strategies, unskilled SEO experts, lack of insights, ignoring the use of data analytics and more. Paying less for the service means sticking to an SEO company that may not be capable to build a strong business reputation and do not provide the desired ranking. It is all because the effort required in SEO will not justify the payment made by the clients.

Well priced SEO is generally well planned based on the competition and effort which is required to optimise the website. The foremost fact about good proceeds SEO is, it justifies the effort, time and energy dedicated by the SEO professionals to the project. Any project is successful with a happy team and well priced paid for it. SEO project that is planned with strategies, keeping in mind the business objectives and goals along with the competition it would face in the online industry is sure to provide the desired results and all these expert efforts can never be cheap.

SEO by Expert vs Intern Doing the work

Before hiring the SEO team for your company one question always strikes the mind and that is whom to hire for your business. If you are serious about getting a quality result then you must work with SEO experts. Experts are never cheap but investing in their efforts are worthy for your business reputation and goals. SEO experts have years of experience in the industry and their previous projects will help them in devising a strong SEO action plan to boost business presence. Tough competition needs you to stay ahead of the competition and uniquely present your business and this is possible only with an efficient team with knowledge and dedication.

Hiring an intern or inexperienced team means they will try and learn and there will be high chances of getting things wrong. There are more chances for trial and error concept if you choose an intern SEO team because as they do not possess any experience, everything will be new to them from link building to content posting. The strategies they devise may risk your business and thus in this manner, the chances for getting into the wrong SEO increases thereby strengthening the poor or no ranking for your website.

Quality Link building vs Mass Link building

Link building has always been a major part of SEO strategies. Since the advent of SEO techniques too many link building strategies and platforms came into appearance and SEO expert focusses more on building quality links rather than adding to numbers. Fewer quality links are better than too many average or bad links. This concept is very clear because SEO backlinking that do not add value to the website is not worthy of appreciation. Links that are identified by Google supports Google’s algorithm for page ranking and help a website to rank on top for organic searches. Other links that mark presence just to increase the quantity wither go in vain or hurt SEO. webapex focuses on acquiring quality links than to just build a pool of links with no value at all.

When it comes to the link building process, do not think about the number of links pointing to your website think about how many of those links are with high authority. Poor link building may appear appealing and provide instant effect for good ranking but that is just temporary and eventually, the chances for getting penalised by Google is always present. Google has very clear and strong guidelines on link building scheme and denying it can be very dangerous.

Relevant Link vs High PR Links

Link matters the most for SEO. In general terms, we can understand links as a vote to your website that Google or any other search engines consider for page ranking. But the changing algorithms for ranking and intelligent Google operations have altered and these days they not just look upon the links but also the relevancy of the link to the place where it is placed.

Even if you may get links from a high authority website but they are not relevant then it will not add great value.

Generally, High PR links add value but these days relevancy is the new PR. If your links will not be relevant then it may not add value. High PR links are always preferable and they do add to the quality of the link but if it is not relevant the result may be adverse. Irrelevant links may act negatively even if it may be of high PR. This is why we always strive to build links on relevant domains than with pages with high PR. Our strategies for link building revolve around acquiring more relevant quality links than just high PR links.

Rich Content Building vs Think Content

Google wants to provide the searchers with rich and valuable content they are looking for. It does not just rank any website based on sheer SEO practice rather it also checks for the quality and value of the links and content. This is the core reason SEO specialists puts too much effort into adding only creative, unique and relevant content to the website. Get in touch with our SEO copywriter Melbourne creative team and discuss your business requirement.

Content that has the potential for problem-solving and contains an in-depth matter has a higher chance of getting ranking. Also, content with long-tail keywords with appealing features of images and media are liked by the readers and also search engines consider them more worthwhile. You should consider infographics SEO strategy if you are more focused on building linkable assets.

A good example of a rich content building to solve problems is our Magento SEO tips blog.

On the other hand, generally thin content doesn't add great value to users. Thin content or more specifically content with just keywords and no valuable information and relevancy are considered as inauthentic by Google and it does not support ranking. Quality content should be created considering the readers in mind and focus on developing the one that people would love to link to and share with others.

Thin content does not possess such quality and it is just written to web crawlers to identify the link and help in ranking. Avoid thin content if you have too many thin contents then plan a merge them and redirect them to one mother content. webapex can help you to get rid of thin content problem. Book an appointment with professionals today!


Finding a reliable SEO partner for your business is a challenging task especially if you are completely unaware of digital marketing practices. The modern concept of SEO is hard to implement and, an effective strategy is the key to boost online visibility.

At webapex, we practice White Hat Search Engine Optimisation i.e. good SEO strategies with the help of a professional team who understands the concept in and out and how it functions effectively. Bad SEO can harm your website ranking and your brand too.

Author: Pankaj Yadav

